To begin the intake process, call 615-956-6106.

In all cases, the first step in our intake process starts with a call from a parent. For questions or to schedule a consultation, please call our office at the number above. We look forward to serving your family at Kymari House.

Getting Started with Supervised Visitation

Step 1: Non-Custodial Parent

The non-custodial parent must be the person who initiates the intake process by calling Kymari House at 615-956-6106 to schedule a phone intake.

Step 2: Document Review

After completion of the phone intake, you will be asked to submit several documents for review. Upon review of these documents and approval to move forward to step 2 in the process, an intake appointment is scheduled with the non-custodial parent.  The cost of the entire intake is $80.00 and is paid at the time of intake by the non-custodial parent.

Step 3: Custodial Parent

After completion of Step 2 and approval to move to Step 3, an intake with the custodial parent is scheduled.

Step 4: Appointment

After assessment and approval to move to step 4, a child orientation appointment is scheduled for your child. Once this process is complete families are placed on our schedule for supervised visitation.